We’re kicking off the week with Marketing Monday Q&A with Christina May, covering website design solutions, like when it’s time to redesign, steps to take and mistakes to avoid.
Check out the full video here:
Question 1: How does a business know when it needs a website redesign?
CMay: If you’re asking that question, you probably need a website redesign.
But really, it’s a good sign. If your website is acting more like brochureware, when there’s not much distinguishing it from what you publish and print, then that’s a red flag. It should do much more than that.
Websites are meant to educate, provide thought leadership and be a space for people to engage and contact you. It’s supposed to benefit your brand and create leads, as well as provide customer service and so much more. If your website isn’t doing any of these things, you should consider a website redesign.
Also reflect on these questions:
- Is your website optimized? Google has free tools you can use to make sure your website is loading property, allowing your business to be found and bringing contacts in.
- What does your website look like on different devices? Make sure it looks good on devices of all sizes, from a TV monitor to an iPhone. We’ll talk a little more about designing for devices below.
Question 2: What are the first steps to take when creating a business website or redesigning one?
CMay: To quote Simon Sinek, “Start with why” https://startwithwhy.com/
Ask yourself these two questions:
- Why are you doing this?
- What are the goals?
In marketing, defining the “why” is the primary step when approaching a project. After you figure this out, you can take on the rest of the project and feel confident that you’re moving in the right direction.
If we’re being honest, a website redesign process typically isn’t fun. It can actually be painful sometimes. But, if you decide and define what your goals are, you’ll be able to make it a little more pleasant.
Starting the website redesign process can actually uncover some problems that you didn’t know your website had, including CRM software issues, inefficient business processes and more.
It’s important to evaluate and reevaluate your website’s design often, as consumer patterns, trends and technology changes at a quick pace. You’ll want to be sure your site is keeping up.
Question 3: What are some common website design mistakes that you see?
CMay: Not designing with the customer in mind.
In regards to website design, your customers and how they use their devices and consume their information should be at the forefront of your mind. It is less important to design with your preferences and more important to think about user experience.
As we stated before, a big issue with some websites is that they are not designed for all screens. A site can look great and have all the right information, but if it’s not designed for a mobile user, it isn’t a successful design. People are spending more time on their mobile devices, rather than computers, so it’s important to keep this in mind.
Here are some mobile marketing statistics to put the importance of designing for mobile devices into perspective: https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/mobile-marketing-statistics
Inconsistency in information and style is another design mistake that is often seen. Branding is important if you’re trying to market yourself and your services. Having a consistent voice, design and theme across your website and all your platforms is key. This will make your brand seem more professional and organized, and customers will be more likely to reach out.
If you enjoyed this week’s edition of Marketing Monday, follow us on Facebook, subscribe to our Youtube channel, and comment with your questions for the next #MarketingMondayQ&A.