Kenwood Management’s website wins two marketing awards

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Kenwood Management’s website redesign received recognition in two marketing awards: Gold from the AVA Digital Awards and a leader award from the Summit Emerging Media Awards.

The AVA Digital Awards acknowledges outstanding projects at the convergence of audio, video and electronic text that enhance the speed at which information is digested when used together. Digital marketing is both an art and a science that is constantly changing the way we communicate. The AVA Digital Awards gives recognition to the marketing efforts which evolve our way of engaging with audiences.

The Summit Emerging Media Awards recognizes the visionaries in marketing that utilize new forms of media to keep up with the ever-changing media landscape. They “offer recognition for introducing new methods, directing and helping to set the pace for emerging media, and demonstrating excellence on the web.”

Illumine8 is proud to partner with Kenwood Management to deliver a powerful website that changes the way in which Kenwood operates and engages with their community. Illumine8 is a revenue operations company that helps companies in the building industry create value by aligning marketing, sales, and operational functions of their businesses.

Kenwood Management Website Homepage Redesign

Kenwood’s mission goes beyond the tenant-landlord lease transaction by creating additional value for their customers throughout the rental term. Together with Illumine8, Kenwood created the “Kenwood Community” concept in 2020 that encompasses real-estate investor and small business tenant connection and education opportunities including webinars, articles, videos and more.

In 2021 the Illumine8 team partnered with Kenwood Management to update their website with the Kenwood Community concept in mind including improving the user experience. Illumine8 leveraged marketing automation to create a more individualized experience for Kenwood’s customer community and deliver more value on the HubSpot CMS. HubSpot’s smart content module programming is also known as “adaptive” or “dynamic” content. This HubSpot feature is programmed on Kenwood’s website to customize content based on the known interests of the customer. The Illumine8 team developed a smart content based homepage for Kenwood that shows members of the Kenwood Community relevant information such as tenant articles or investor insights.

With this new functionality, Kenwood’s community is able to find relevant information and content, which in turn boosts how long viewers remain on the site. This new experience has created 177% website traffic growth year over year since launch.

Tenant Talk Video Series

Kenwood Management also received Honorable Mention from the AVA Digital Awards for Tenant Talk. The five-episode video series explores various topics, such as creating a values-based culture and asking for referrals.

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